Company Profile Video

PR video or company profile video is now a big trend for any company to showcase their work locally, globally and internationally.

But we see a lot of company profile video which is not even up to the mark and losing its credibility at certain points.

This things usually happen when a client has an insufficient budget and destructive suggestion to build one PR or company profile video.

We have been doing this from near a decade and one thing we have learned that at some certain points.. the client must handover the responsibility to the developer or production people to deliver the motive what they really want.

Problems we have seen so far-

  • Unusual intro of a video
  • Emotionless voice-overs
  • less attractive description of a service
  • Creating and joining clips to make a video rather than forming something to engage and inspire potential client.
  • Sudden drop of continuity of the content
  • Hurry ness of showing what they do rather than creating interest to the audience
  • End of voice – End of video / No composition
  • Putting a local style but targeting international client
  • Less signature of the company and showing lots of comparisons.

…and many many more..

We can not make all of them happy… But we can create interest for all of them.

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